17 Feb Dental Implants and surgery: When it’s the proper time of the day to do surgery?
According to a research study conducted by the Duke University of North Carolina in 2016, the ideal time to do go under the dental implants surgery is from 7 AM to 12 PM. There are a number of reasons linked to the surgeon that is responsible for the surgery.
Firstly, surgical dental treatments have a higher success rate when done in the first hours of the morning because of the higher energy levels of the surgeon whom will be responsible for the operation. Having a fresh mind and renovated energies, the level of concentration is also higher, thus indicating the right components of perfect end results.
On the other hand, having all the rest of the day ahead, the surgeon has all the necessary calm to treat carefully the psychological aspect of the patient taking care also about his/hers emotional state after the anesthetics treatment. The dentist, in this case the surgeon, is more precise in his/her work to position the dental implants with high accuracy, thus avoiding post-surgical pain. The patient is the VIP in this discussion of course, but on the other hand, we don’t have to dismiss the very essence of the combination of knowledge, senses, expertise and limbs of the dental surgeon which is crucial to receiving a perfect end result at the end of the implants dental treatment.
The required time for the installment of a dental implant in the upper or lower arch varies from 15-20 minutes. Taking into consideration the fact that for an ALL ON 6 treatment, just for one arch which includes 12 dental implants, the required surgery time will be from 2-2.5 hours, and having already set a surgery schedule early in the day, you will have also the rest of the day for a full post-surgery recovery cycle up until the time when you need to go to sleep. You will have the time to take the first post-surgery doses of medicine that has been recommended by the specialist, and why not to be able to enjoy the rest of the hours by visiting some local attractions, meeting local people, relaxing and contemplate from the dental treatment received in the clinic.
Above all, the best medicine of all to have a true and successful dental treatment is the mental and spiritual calm.